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52, Full-time Mum, Wiltshire
1. Caroline.png

What Made You Reach Out To Coach Me Slim & Trim®?


Well, I was struggling to walk up the hill to my house; I'd be out of breath before even getting half-way up. My clothes were getting tighter, and I had to buy clothes with elasticated waists taken my up to about a size 22. I also had I felt far too many aches and pains for somebody my age and not to mention the lack so self-confidence I had, so something had to be done.


I read about the success a lady similar age and weight to me had on the programme and felt it had to be worth a try. Interestingly as a former Slimming World leader, I'd say I knew something about dieting. So I was looking for something more than just dietary advice I needed something which would help with my mindset and fitness. This programme seemed to offer all three, so I made the call for an initial free chat which I liked as there was no pressure to buy anything it was just a friendly and straightforward chat where I was able to explain my situation without once feeling embarrassed.


What Would You Tell Other About Coach Me Slim & Trim®?


As an adult, I'd never done any form of organised exercise or experienced one to one coaching. If your situation is one where you've tried many different things, and you feel as though you need some accountability and pointing in the right direction without feeling as though you are being judged, then this may be the solution you're looking for.


What Has Improved For You Since Joining Coach Me Slim & Trim®?


Since completing the programme and losing 6 stone 1lb, my energy levels are excellent. I can now easily walk up and down the hill to my house without getting out of breath. My self-confidence has got better as I now feel and see myself differently, my wardrobe is much nicer than it ever was in the past, I can now shop pretty much where I like so have a lot more choice. This programme has helped me to re-invent myself in less than 12 months, and it feels fantastic!

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